Welcome to the United Kingdom Environmental Mutagenesis Society Conference 2015. The 38th annual meeting will run from Sunday 12th July to Wednesday 15th July 2015 at Plymouth University, UK.
A draft programme is now available.
The themes for this year’s conference are:
- Genome Stability: DNA Replication, Transcription and Repair in Diseases
- Nanotoxicology
- Next steps towards the application of alternative approaches to animal testing
- Molecular Epidemiology
- Current issues in industrial genotoxicity; regulatory updates
- Cancer Prevention
- ‘Omics’ in Ecotoxicology: Linking Human and Environmental Health
- Young Scientists Session; Plenary and Award Lectures
The conference package available to delegates includes full access to the conference, all accommodation, food and refreshments, and also includes the evening activities Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
We are also delighted to invite you to three evening activities throughout the conference. On Sunday evening Plymouth University are delighted to host an evening BBQ on the newly restored heritage lottery funded «Drake’s Reservoir» on campus. Monday night will be and evening under the sea as we visit the National Marine Aquarium, enjoy the spectacular creatures in this truly unique venue whilst enjoying a hot folk buffet under the shark tunnel. On Tuesday evening we invite you to Rhodes at the Dome on the historic Plymouth Hoe for the conference dinner and dancing with live music afterwards.
For further details about the conference please visit: http://www.ukems2015.org.