Novel in vitro methods and AOP approaches in genetic toxicology

Novel in vitro methods and AOP approaches in genetic toxicology

In the field of genetic toxicology, the repertoire of new in vitro approach methodologies, for identifying potential genotoxicants has expanded considerably in recent years. These novel methods can contribute to better classification of genotoxic compounds by...
Webinar: what do we know about MNPLs carcinogenesis?

Webinar: what do we know about MNPLs carcinogenesis?

PLASTICHEAL will held a webinar on May 25th to discuss about the potential long-term effects of MNPLs exposure. Registrations are now open for the first PLASTICHEAL webinar: “Carcinogenesis of micro- and nanoplastics: what we know and how to advance using in vitro...
La COSCE impulsa la IV edición del proyecto ACIERTAS

La COSCE impulsa la IV edición del proyecto ACIERTAS

La COSCE (Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España) está impulsando la cuarta edición de su proyecto ACIERTAS (Aprendizaje de las Ciencias por Indagación En Redes Transversales colaborativas), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, para...