Dear Presidents/councillors of national EEMS societies,
I would like to inform you that the rules for awards have been defined and posted on the website.
Details of awards:
- Frits Sobels Award: the winner will be awarded with an inscribed token, free registration as well as coverage of travel and accommodation.
- Young scientist Award: the award winner will receive 1000 Euros as well as coverage of registration/travel/accommodation for the whole meeting.
- Travel grant: 350 Euros, maximum of 6 grants.
Applications should be made to the Councillor of the respective country who will then forward the application to the EEMS President together with the abstract of the applicant, a short curriculum vitae and a letter of recommendation.
Deadline for submission: April 24 2014.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Madeleine Nivard
Dr. M.J.M. Nivard
Secretary EEMS
Dept. of Toxicogenetics
Postzone: S-04-P
P.O. Box 9600
2300 RC Leiden
The Netherlands