Dear Councillors,
At our Council Meeting and our General Assembly at the ICEM in Brazil we decided to establish a Constitution Committee of recognized senior scientists (e.g., members of the council, or colleagues to represent them, and former executive board members).
The councillors present at the meeting already proposed the following colleagues:
- Roland Frötschl (Germany; who will become the EEMS treasurer in 2014),
- Francesca Pacchierotti (Italy) and
- Sylvie Sauvaigo (France).
David Kirkland, who is not anymore member of the Executive Committee, would also be available.
We recognise that many councillors from our regional and national societies could not be present in Brazil. We are therefore contacting you to seek some further proposals for people to join this committee so as to be able to consider the views of all national and regional societies of the EEMS.
The first task of the committee will be to make a proposal for the annual membership fee of the “new” EEMS. We have to agree on this fee soon because it has to be defined before we can submit our new constitution for registration of the society as a SCIO.
Further activities of the committee will include writing an annex to our constitution to define the interaction between the EEMS and the regional societies and to establish further committees (e.g., an “advisory committee” and a “scientific committee”) and special interest groups.
Please send your proposals for nomination of further members of this Constitution Committee within the next two weeks to our president Leon Mullenders (
I thank you in advance very much for your support.
With kind regards,
Günter Speit
(On behalf of the EEMS Executive Committee)