In the field of genetic toxicology, the repertoire of new in vitro approach methodologies, for identifying potential genotoxicants has expanded considerably in recent years. These novel methods can contribute to better classification of genotoxic compounds by providing mode-of-action information. Information about the genotoxic mode-of-action can be very valuable in weight-of-evidence and adverse outcome pathway approaches. During the workshop you will learn about the latest developments in genetic toxicology and get a hand-on experience with some of these new methods.
All lectures and practical workshops will be hosted by Toxys.
The training will only take place if minimum of 4 participants is reached.
Registration fee also includes the participant booklet, catering and social dinner.
The training will start with 0.5 day lectures and will be followed by 1.5 days of practical training (Hands-on training) where participants, divided in small groups will get the chance to manipulate and see the critical steps of the methods with the experts. This is a perfect way to quickly approach a method, as well as data analysis and interpretation.
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